These cars have built-in LED lighting that has been
installed at the factory. This LED lighting consumes very
little power and is therefore suitable for digital or Delta
operation. In conventional operation (AC or DC power)
this lighting does not begin to work until the cars are
being pulled at fairly high speeds by a locomotive.
All of the wheel sets on these cars are used for providing
power to the ligths. The wheels for both trucks are the-
refore electrically connected with each other. Insulated
track joints (for signal blocks, etc.) will be bridged by
these trucks. It may happen that a train will run through
a signal block, where the power has been shut off by a
signal set for stop, if these cars are in the train.
These cars can be used with the 72441/72442 brake
module only if the first transition area is the length of the
entire train (!), not the length of the longest locomotive. A
transition area that is too short may lead to the destruc-
tion of the Control Unit!