Installation on concrete or brick wall
Check that the concrete is at least 35 mm thick to accommodate the concrete anchors. Do not drill
into mortar joints. Drill into the bricks or concrete blocks, preferably at least 25 mm from the edge.
Drill at low speed, not with the hammer drill function, otherwise this could produce a large hole in
the other side of the wall if the drill breaks through.
Check that the wall can support the weight of the bracket and the appliance it is to hold.
Use the wall plate as a template and mark out the 4 holes on the wall.
Predrill the holes with a 8 mm masonry drill bit to a depth of at least 50 mm. Insert a concrete
anchor (P-B) in each hole. Mount the wall plate on the wall with 4 screws (P-A). Check that the
plate is horizontal.