1. Always keep chemicals out of reach of children.
2. Read product labels carefully prior to use.
3. When dissolving, always add chemicals to water, do not add water to chemicals. Some dry
chemicals should be dissolved prior to adding them to the spa. Using a clean container, dip
some water from the spa. Mix until dissolved, then add to circulating water.
4. CAUTION: Do not mix chemicals together. Add them separately to the spa water.
5. All chemical products should be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area where the average
temperature does not exceed 90°F (32°C). Keep storage area clean of debris such as rags,
newspaper, and combustible materials.
6. Keep chemicals away from open flame or other heat source. Do not smoke near chemicals.
If a dry chlorine chemical fire should occur, use water only. Do not use a dry chemical fire
extinguisher to attempt to put out the fire.
7. When adding chemicals, always keep the water circulating in the spa with jets in a down-
ward circular pattern for better chemical distribution. Add chemicals to the spa water one
at a time. Allow several minutes between any new chemical additions using the jet action to
evenly distribute throughout the spa.
8. It is important to leave the spa cover open for 20-30 minutes while shock treating your spa
to avoid damage. Do not leave spa unattended while cover is open. Damage such as discol-
oration or brittle vinyl due to chemical damage is not covered under the warranty.
9. After adding chemicals, wait the amount of time recommended on the chemical container
before retesting your water for an accurate reading. Retest your spa water before using.
10. If you have any questions or concerns about the correct procedures for handling chemicals,
please contact your authorized Marquis
Damage to the spa surface and equipment due to the use of trichlor chlorine, or other
harsh chemicals not recommended by Marquis is not covered under warranty.
There are three things necessary for clean safe water:
1. CIRCULATE: Water has to be circulated regularly; it can not be stagnant.
2. FILTER: Water has to be filtered to remove particulates and debris.
3. SANITIZE: Water has to be sanitized to kill organisms like algae, bacteria and virus.
It is critical to maintain proper water balance to protect the spa heater and other components from
damage. Damage to the spa surface and equipment caused by poor chemical or harsh chemical
treatment is not covered under the warranty. Discoloration of jet faces, valves and controls are an
indication of poor chemical maintenance or exposure to the sun.