Skeletal muscle:
Produces movement, maintains posture, stabilizes joints and
generates heat
Smooth muscle:
Found in the walls of hollow organs
Cardiac muscle:
Exists only in your heart
Skeletal muscle
The tissue most commonly thought of as muscle is skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscles
cover your skeleton, giving your body its shape. They are attached to your skeleton by
strong, springy tendons or are directly connected to rough patches of bone. Skeletal
muscles are under voluntary control, which means you consciously control what they do.
Just about all body movement, from walking to nodding your head, is caused by skeletal
muscle contraction. Your skeletal muscles function almost continuously to maintain your
posture, making one tiny adjustment after another to keep your body upright. Skeletal
muscle is also important for holding your bones in the correct position and prevents your
joints from dislocating. Some skeletal muscles in your face are directly attached to your
skin. The slightest contraction of one of these muscles changes your facial expression.
Skeletal muscle generates heat as a by-product of muscle activity. This heat is vital for
maintaining your normal body temperature.
Skeletal muscle represents approximately 30% of body weight of a healthy 58 kg
woman or 40% of a 70 kg man. (International Commission on Radiological
Protection, 1975)
8. What is Bone Mass?
Our Body Fat Scale estimates the weight of non-living bone mineral content. This
is important for monitoring and maintaining healthy bones through exercise and
calcium-rich diet.
An adult skeleton is made up of 206 bones, which come in several different shapes and
sizes and have specific structure.
Your bones contain blood vessels, nerve cells and living bone cells known as osteocytes.
These are held together by a framework of hard, non-living material containing calcium and
phosphorous. A thin membrane called the periosteum covers the surface of your bones.
Bone Mineral Content differs according to age and sex.
For Adults: The average bone mineral content of 15-29 year old female is approximately 2.7
kg, that for 15-29 year old male is approximately between 2.7 and 3.5 kg. (Rico et al. 1993)
For Children: The average bone mineral content of 8-16 year old child is approximately
between 0.8 and 2.2 kg. (Faulkner et al. 1993)
9. What is Fat Mass?
Fat Mass is the total weight of fat mass in the body.
10. What is Fat-free Mass?
Our Body Fat Scale estimates the weight of fat-free mass in your body.
Fat-free mass
is comprised of the nonfat components of the human body. Skeletal
muscle, bone and water are all examples of fat-free mass. Fat-free mass can refer to
any body tissue that does not contain fat.
11.What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?
BMI is a ratio of a person’s weight to height. BMI is commonly used to classify weight as
“healthy” or “unhealthy”.
30 and over
25 -29.9
18.5 – 24.9
Under 18.5
European version (BMI for adult 19-99 of age):
Marsden Weighing Group have been assessed and registered by SGS Limited (UKAS
Accredited Notified Body No. 0120) against the provisions of: ISO 9001:2008
Directive 2009/23/EEC, Annex II.2, to undertake EC Declaration of Type Conformity.
Marsden manufactured products conform to the requirements of Class I (low risk)
products as outlined in the MDD and EN 60601-1.
A two-year warranty from date of delivery applies to defects attributable to poor materials
or workmanship. All moveable parts - batteries,cables, mains units, rechargeable batteries
etc.- are excluded.
Defects which come under warranty will be made good for the customer at no charge on
production of the receipt. No further claims can be entertained.
The costs of transport in both directions will be borne by the customer should the
equipment be located anywhere other than the customer’s premises.
In the event of transport damage, claims under warranty can be honoured only if the
complete original packaging was used for any transport and the scale secured and
attached in that packaging just as it was when originally packed.
A claim under warranty will not be honoured if the equipment is opened by persons not
expressly authorised by Marsden to do so.
We would ask our customers abroad to contact their local sales agent in the event of a
warranty matter.
It is recommended that all medical scales are checked for calibration annually as a