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104 S. 8th Ave. Marshalltown, IA Phone 800-888-0127 / 641-753-0127 • Fax 800-477-6341 / 641-753-6341 www.MARSHALLTOWN.com
1. Using the pitch handle lay the blades flat on a very level surface.
2. Remove all bolts and lock washers that hold the blade on (2 for the 36" and 3 for the 46").
3. Remove the blade from under the arm.
4. Clean arms thoroughly of any debris.
5. Replace with a new blade. Be sure to replace the blades in the right orientation. Combination blades
are to be installed with the larger portion of the blade on the right side of the arm when looking down
at it.
6. Replace all bolts and lock washers.
1. Using the pitch handle lay the blades flat on a very level surface.
2. Mark an outline of the blade on the floor directly under the handle. Mark the blade opposite of this
also. You will be moving the cage and blades on the floor and will need these outline to make sure all
of the blades are moved to the correct position.
3. Pitch the blade under the handle to about half way and do not touch again until after this procedure is
4. Measure from the floor directly under the centrifugal safety switch to the top of the safety switch.
Mark the location on the floor that was measured from. This is the distance the handle should be
from the ground when all blades are rotated into the outlines marked.
Figure 21 Blade Adjustment