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5. Rotate the machine 90 degrees so that the blade to the left of the one just measured is now inside
the outline and the blade opposite is inside its outline.
6. Move the handle so that the safety switch is directly above the mark made on the floor.
7. Measure the distance from the mark on the floor to the top of the safety switch. If it is not with in a
1/16" go to step 8 to adjust the pitch. If it is within range go to step 9.
8. To adjust the height loosen the nut on the pitch finger and rotate the pitch adjustment bolt. To
decrease the distance rotate the bolt clockwise and to increase the distance rotate the bolt
counterclockwise. Tighten the nut once the height is within 1/16".
9. Repeat steps 5 through 8 until all blades have been in the outline and the height is within range.
Figure 22 Adjustment Screw and Nut