Step 6
Remove the pins at the front of the lowest suspended box to release its
captive tongues. Land the suspended array on top of the dolly, locating the
front tongues within the front rigging assembly of the topmost box on the
dolly. Secure the tongues in position with the quick release pin.
Release the rear splay arms of the topmost box on the dolly and attach
them to the rear of the box above, selecting the desired splay angle by
inserting the quick release pins stored at the rear of the enclosure into the
selected holes in the rear channel.
Note: When landing the suspended array on the next dolly, great care must
be taken with motor control. This is important to ensure that the entire
weight of the suspended array is not borne by the lowest cabinet, the dolly
itself or transferred through the dolly to the staging – none of which may be
able to bear the weight of the entire array.
Step 7
Repeat Steps 3 to 6.
De-rigging and Dismantling the Array.
De-rigging and dismantling the array is essentially a reversal of the
procedure followed to construct and fly the system and the same
precautions and safety measures apply. The safety wires to the roof
structure are first of all released. No one should be present in the area
beneath the array whilst it is lowered in an even, smooth and controlled
One box at a Time
If the lowest boxes in the array are pinned in the tight 7.5
releasing the front tongues will not allow the front to swing down, as the
boxes will bind at the rear. The rear splay angles will first need to be
reduced by supporting the weight of the box at the rear and re-pinning at a
smaller angle. Only when this has been done can the front tongues be
released and the front of the box swung down.
Multiple Enclosures on a Dolly
When landing the suspended array on a dolly, great care must be taken
with motor control. This is important to ensure that the entire weight of the
suspended array is not borne by the lowest cabinet, the dolly itself or
transferred through the dolly to the staging – none of which may be able to
bear the weight of the entire array.
Martin Audio – W8L Flying System