Martin maxium & maxium Beamer Operating Instructions
V 2.0
3.3.1 Bipolar
In contrast to monopolar applications, no neutral electrode (NE) is required for bipolar cutting be-
cause the high-frequency current flows just from one electrode (or instrument tip) to the other elec-
trode (or instrument tip).
Because, however, operations frequently require the alternating use of monopolar and bipolar cur-
rents, we recommend you to apply a neutral electrode in any case (for safety purposes).
The maxium offers three bipolar cutting currents:
Bipolar pure cut (Pure Cut)
Bipolar cut with some eschar formation (Blend Cut)
Forfex – a bipolar current specially designed for bipolar scissors so as to ensure a long edge
3.3.2 Bipolar
Just as with bipolar cutting, no neutral electrode is required for bipolar coagulation either. Here
again the current takes a very short path across the tissue surface, flowing from one part (or tip) of
the surgical instrument to the other part (or tip). All bipolar coagulation currents are contact coagu-
lation currents.
Seal Safe / Vessel Sealing
“Seal Safe” is a special bipolar current used on a contact coagulation basis for tasks such as fusing
tissue layers, sealing minor hollow organs or denaturing tissue layers prior to dissection so as to
avoid hemorrhages. The Seal Safe current is used in conjunction with Martin marClamp
4 Description of the Unit
The maxium HF surgical unit is microprocessor-controlled. It converts the mains voltage into a
high-frequency alternating current for monopolar or bipolar applications.
In monopolar mode, the unit can be activated either with a handle featuring switches/pushbuttons
or via a footswitch pedal. In bipolar mode, activation is possible either via the footswitch or the
auto-coag function. In addition, the unit’s B2 bipolar connector gives you the option to connect a
handle for manual current activation via the handle pushbutton.
As a rule, it is not possible to activate several outputs simultaneously. The only exception is the
“Duo Spray” current.