Martin maxium & maxium Beamer Operating Instructions
V 2.0
Monopolar Coagulation Currents
Clamp Coag
"Soft" contact coagulation current that is preferably applied indirectly through surgical instruments
(such as vessel clamps, surgical forceps, etc.) to achieve hemostasis. In this case, a needle-,
knife- or lancet-type electrode attached to the HF surgical handle is brought into contact with the
surgical instrument. However, direct application to the tissue is also possible with ball- or plate-type
electrodes attached to the HF surgical handle. In this case, the current also impacts the deeper
layers of the tissue, thus leading to volume coagulation. The degree of coagulation achieved de-
pends on activation time and can thus be controlled by the user.
Forced Clamp
Forced coagulation current that differs from the "Clamp Coag" current by a faster coagulation pro-
cess. The application technique is identical for both currents. If the application instrument or elec-
trode makes only slight tissue contact, a certain spark formation can be observed as an intended
effect. This strongly dries up the tissue at the point of contact, leading to slight tissue carbonization.
Due to the short application time (or fast coagulation process), the depth effect is limited.
Contact Coag
"Soft" contact coagulation current that is preferably applied indirectly through surgical instruments
(such as vessel clamps, surgical forceps, etc.) to achieve hemostasis. In this case, a needle-,
knife- or lancet-type electrode attached to the HF surgical handle is brought into contact with the
surgical instrument. However, direct application to the tissue is also possible with ball- or plate-type
electrodes attached to the HF surgical handle. In this case, the current also impacts the deeper
layers of the tissue, thus leading to volume coagulation. The degree of coagulation achieved de-
pends on activation time and can thus be controlled by the user.
Contact Coag Auto Stop
Just like the “Contact Coag” current, this option is also intended for “depth coagulation”. Once a
pre-determined degree of coagulation has been reached, the auto-stop function automatically cuts
off energy output. The degree of coagulation – in other words, the cut-off criterion – can be freely
set by the user through the operating sequence “MENU”/“Setup”/”Automatic mode”/”Coagulation
degrees”. This takes you to a menu level that allows you to select the desired degree via “Mono
coag degree”.