3.12 Frequency Measurement
Connect the black test lead to the COM terminal and the red test
lead to the V
Set the rotary switch to 40kHz.
Taking all necessary safety precautions connect the test leads to
the circuit being measured and read the measured frequency from
the display.
3.13 Temperature Measurement
Connect a Type K thermocouple probe to the TYPE K socket.
Set the rotary switch to °C or °F and the required range.
Taking all necessary safety precautions position the thermocouple
at the surface to be measured and read the measured temperature
from the display.
Note: Repeated flexing can break the thermocouple leads. To
prolong lead life, avoid sharp bends in the leads, especially near
the connector.
3.14 Temperature Offset Adjustment
The TEMP OFFSET is set at the factory. The TEMP OFFSET may
be adjusted to optimise measurement accuracy for an individual
Type K thermocouple at a chosen temperature.
3.15 Continuity Testing
Connect the black test lead to the COM terminal and the red test
lead to the V
Set the rotary switch to