1.0 Introduction
You are the owner of a state-of-the-art Ultra Low Emission Burner
designed and developed by Glen Dimplex New Zealand. Thank you for purchasing a Masport
is a new generation catalytic wood fire, designed to provide you with all the
warmth and comfort of a fireplace, at the same time having ULTRA LOW emissions to dramatically reduce
the impact on the environment. Environment Canterbury has approved the installation of this burner in all
clean air zones that have been previously banned for the installation of a conventional wood burner. As it
bears the Masport brand, it promises to provide you with the economy, safety, and efficiency.
To make the most of your appliance, it is important to install, operate, and maintain the burner correctly.
Please read this installation and operations manual
before installing or operating your
WAIMAKARIRI ULEB. Please take the time to understand the basic principles of this new burner which uses
a catalytic combustion technology.
Your Waimakariri ULEB burns less fuel and produces more consistent heat than a conventional wood burner
while producing fewer particulates. The catalytic combustor fitted in this burner is made out of special high-
grade stainless steel, which is coated with a catalytic coating. When heated to over 300
C, it will begin to
light off (glow), and the combustor begins to burn off small fine unburnt particulates from the combustion
gases. The catalyst will then rise in temperature up to approximately 500
C and reaches its optimum stage.
During the initial light-up phase with the damper in the open position, the combustion gases are allowed to
pass over and through the catalyst, preheating the catalyst. After approx. 20 minutes, the catalyst will reach
the required temperature. At this stage, the damper is closed, and all combustion gases are passed through
the catalyst, which will start burning the finer unburnt particles.
Overall, the catalytic combustion technology is a more effective and efficient way of burning wood, which
gives significantly fewer emissions and returns maximum heat from reduced fuel consumption.
1.1 Items supplied with the fire
Waimakariri ULEB
1 x Baffle
1 x Catalytic Combustor Assembly
1 x Stainless Steel Flame Arrestor Plate
2 x Full + 4 x Cut Masonry Bricks
345mm x 345mm Ceiling plate
Accessory Pack – which contains
1 x Installation and Operations Manual
Tool for removing flame arrestor plate
1 x Door Handle
1.2 Handling and Transport
The WAIMAKARIRI ULEB has a total weight of 135 kg.
Single person handling could cause injury; hence Glen Dimplex recommends suitable handling equipment
and two persons while handling, both outside and inside the house. Removing bricks and loose items inside
the firebox will help to reduce weight and will ease the handling of the burner during installation.
All precautions have been taken during the design of packaging to avoid transport damage until the burner
reaches the customer’s house. In case any damage is found while opening the fire, please report it to your
dealer immediately before installing the burner.