ECO PUR™ (continued)
as NeeDeD
If water looks hazy, check PH and Total Alkilinity, and treat with 1 ounce of chlorine
. Always refer
to the chemical manufactures dosage recommendations listed on the container.
These are general recommendations for water quality maintenance that may vary by usage and
or bather load. Depending on bather load and frequency of use, drain and refill times may vary as
well as the frequency of cleaning your filters.
A defoamer may be used when excessive foaming occurs. Over use of a defoamer will result
in cloudy, milky water.
use ONLY sPa CHeMICaLs
Do not use chemicals designed for use in swimming pools.
With a spa you are working with a small volume of hot water compared to a large volume of
relatively cool water in a swimming pool. Because of this chemicals will have a shorted life span
and bacteria can grow more quickly than in a swimming pool. A spa is less forgiving then a pool
and requires that whatever is put into it have a pH as close to neutral as possible. That is why only
chemicals made for spas should be used. Always refer to the chemical manufactures dosage rec-
ommendations listed on the container.
*sPeCIaL NOte:
We recommend a minimum level of 1.0 ppm residual chlorine be maintained in spa water. Always refer to the
chemical manufacturer’s dosage recommendations listed on the container.
When adding chlorine or non-chlorine shock/oxidizer always broadcast across the water while the pumps are
The quantities of sanitizer and oxidizer shown in this manual are for 500 gallon spas and may have to be adjust-
ed depending on the actual amount of water that your spa holds. See the specifications section of this manual
for the correct gallons of your spa.
The concentration of active ingredients in spa chemicals varies by manufacturer. The amounts of sanitizer sug-
gested in this manual are based on spa chemicals that have the active ingredient percentages listed below:
Non-Chlorine Shock/ Oxidizer
Active ingredient:
Active ingredient:
Sodium dichlor ................................. 99%
Potassium peroxymonosulfate ....................... 42.8%
Other ingredients ................................ 1%
Inert ingredients ............................................ 57.2%
Total ............................................... 100%
Total............................................................ 100%