Integrity Bath
Model MB-80
Operation Manual
Page 9 of 16
450 East 32nd Street, Fremont NE 68025
800-798-5867 FAX: 402-563-9102
11. Open The Door And Engage The Transporter:
Open the door by rotating cam arm down and pulling
straight out on the
. The
door will automatically rise up to the level needed to
rotate it out of the tub. Rotate the door as far as you can
so it is not in the way of the Transporter.
12. Move The Individual Out Of The Integrity Bath:
13. If using the chair with tilt in space seat back, it must be
returned to the full upright position before transferring
individual out of the Integrity Bath. Failure to do so could
result in injury to the
Finish drying the individual. Carefully pull the chair out
from the tub. Turn off the BathAire
by pushing the
On/Off Touch Pad.
You are now ready to transfer the individual back to
their room or other area appropriate.
14. Cleaning Procedures:
Turn on BathAire
. Return the Transporter with the
empty chair to the tub and roll it inside the tub, as per
previous instructions. Remove the Pads and place in the
foot well of the tub. Make sure the drain is open, then
use the shower wand to rinse all inside surfaces
including door area, chair back & seat including pads, to
remove residual organic materials left over from the
previous bath. Close the drain. Grasp the Disinfectant
Wand and hold it so the nozzle is pointed inside the tub.
Turn on the Disinfectant Valve counter clockwise until
fully on. Spray all inside surfaces of the tub, all surfaces
of the chair as well as those of the pads. You will have a
little over one gallon of water and disinfectant mix in
the foot well of the tub; turn off the Disinfectant Valve
by rotating it in a clockwise direction until it is fully off.
Scrub all areas with the long handled brush provided
with the tub. After all areas are thoroughly scrubbed,
follow rinsing procedures below.
15. Rinsing Procedures:
Open the drain. Allow contact time as detailed on
disinfectant/cleaner. MasterCare Disinfectant/cleaner
requires 10 minutes which is a common Industry
Standard. Use the SHOWER WAND to thoroughly rinse
all areas that were in contact with the disinfectant
cleaner. If it is the end of the day and you will not be
bathing another individual on your shift, lean the pads
on the inside vertical surfaces of the tub to drip-dry.
Turn off BathAire
16. BathAire
Purge Cycle:
BathAire will automatically turn on after the bath has
been idle for twenty (20) minutes and run for one (1)
minute. This allows the area around the aerators to
completely dry.
Shower Wand
Disinfectant Wand
On/Off Valve Behind
the Side Service Door
Service Door
Service Door
Key Latch