Chapter 1. Introduction
Console access
On default the console terminal of the Gateway can be accessed through USB-C connector. Internally
CP2104 UART-USB converter is used, if the drivers for this device are not automatically installed on
the PC operating system they can be downloaded from Silicon Labs website.
The PC should detect the Gateway as Virtual COM port. Any terminal software capable of
communicating through COM port can be used e.g. PuTTY or RealTerm. The default settings are:
Baud rate - 115200
Parity - none
Stop bit - one
Data bits - 8 bits
If the console output on USB-C port is not desirable it can be disabled in software.
Antenna connectors
The Gateway is equipped with four high grade SMA connectors. The connectors are waterproof and
located on the top of the Gateway. The RF antennas can be attached directly to SMA connectors or
can be connected with RF cable if the antenna is to be mounted in different location or the physical
size of the antenna doesn’t allow for direct connection.
The location and numbering of the connectors can be seen on Figure 1.2. The functions are as
1. LoRa radio 1
2. LoRa radio 2
3. Spare connector - can be used for optional 3G/4G modem or WiFi
Figure 1.2: Antenna connectors of MX1901/2 Gateway.