MSC-UTX62L Product Manual
The right side of the Routing tab interface under the title “Connections” displays the current state of the routing
matrix. Each destination is depicted as a box containing the destination number/label followed by one or more
source numbers/labels of the currently connected sources for each level of the destination. The currently
selected destination is highlighted in red (
in Figure 1). For multi-level systems either the destination or one
of the levels can be individually selected for changing all levels or a single level.
The left side of the Routing tab under the title “Connect Source” (
in Figure 1) displays all the available
sources and Mute (if available) to connect from.
2.2.1 Changing a connection
To change a routing connection, select the desired destination by clicking on the Destination label or an
individual level source label (multi-level systems only). Then click on a Source button or Mute (if available)
from the “Connect Source” section. The clicked source will be connected to the selected Destination for one or
more levels (depending on if the Destination or a single level is selected).
2.2.2 Loading a preset
Presets store connection states for one or more Destinations. Loading a Preset on the Routing tab consists of
simply clicking on the “Load preset” drop down selector (
in Figure 1) and selecting the desired preset, which
is then loaded and applied to the current routing matrix. More information on Presets is contained in the
following Presets tab section.
2.3 Presets Tab
Figure 2: Presets Tab
Figure 2 depicts the Presets Tab which can be used to edit presets or perform batch matrix connection
operations. Under the “Connections” title is shown the
Work Matrix
, which is a temporary area for working
with matrix routing and loading to/saving from stored
and the current
Active Routing
state. For each
Destination the Destination number and label is displayed followed by one or more drop down selection lists for
each source level. The selection lists contain all available sources (listed by source number and label) and the
special values
No Change
(the latter only if available for the given level). The
No Change
indicates that the Destination for the given Level should not be changed from its current value, when the preset
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