9.12 HEart ratE gripS rEplacEMEnt
1) Using a flat screwdriver, pry the silver metal heart rate plate on the back side of the HR grip away from the plastic of the HR grip (Figure A).
2) Disconnect the HR grip wire and remove the metal plate (Figure B).
3) Remove the 3 screws holding the HR grip together (Figure C).
You may need to remove the console to give access to the HR grip
4) Disconnect the level button and remove the two halves of the HR grip (Figure D).
5) Reverse Steps 1-4 to install new HR grips.
6) Test the Elliptical Trainer for function as outlined in Section 8.21.
figUrE a
figUrE b
figUrE c
figUrE d
cHaptEr 9: part rEplacEMEnt gUidE