8.5 0140 / 01A0 error TroUbleSHooTiNG
error meSSAGe 0140 / 01A0
1) cause:
a. Incline motor operation failed.
2) sOLuTION:
a. Check the connection of the incline motor cable at the MCB.
b. Run auto calibration (See Section 3.5).
c. If auto calibration fails, press GO and attempt to incline the treadmill.
- Check the MCB UP and DOWN (FF) LEDs (Figure A). If the LEDs do not light up when incline is commanded, replace the console
cable or console. If the LEDs do light up, replace the incline motor.
d. If replacing the console, console cable, and incline motor do not resolve the issue, replace the MCB.
fiGUre A
8.6 01A4 / 01A5 / 01A6 error TroUbleSHooTiNG
error meSSAGe 01A4 / 01A5 / 01A6
1) cause:
a. 01A4 - Main motor U phase disconnection.
b. 01A5 - Main motor V phase disconnection.
c. 01A6 - Main motor W phase disconnection.
2) sOLuTION:
a. Check the connection of the motor cable at the MCB
(Figure A).
b. Replace the motor.
c. Replace the MCB.
fiGUre A
CHAPTer 8: TroUbleSHooTiNG