fiGUre e
fiGUre f
fiGUre G
fiGUre H
10.4 TV ProGrAmmiNG iNSTrUCTioNS - CoNTiNUed
6) Use the channel keys to scroll down to CHANNEL SCAN, and then use the volume key to select it (Figure E).
7) Use the channel keys to scroll the cursor down to START TO SCAN and use the volume key to select it (Figure F).
8) Allow the channel scan to run. If once the channel scan is complete, the channels are coming in clearly, press the BACK key to return to
normal operation (Figure G).
9) If the channels still are not coming in, or are showing in black and white, return to CHANNEL SCAN, and then change the CABLE SYSTEM
to match your incoming cable frequency (Figure H). Re select START TO SCAN once this has been changed.
10) If the channels are still not coming in clearly, refer to the TV Troubleshooting in Section 8.16.
CHAPTer 10: TreAdmill SPeCifiCATioNS ANd ASSembly GUide