The Military Test programs and the Physical Efficiency Battery
(PEB) provide workouts of a preset distance. These distances are
established by the various branches of the Military with the objective
of each test to complete the distance as quickly as possible. At
the completion of the test, a time-based score as defined by the
respective Military branch will be shown on the console.
1) Choose your Military Test by pressing the FITNESS TEST button
until the desired test is shown on the screen.
2) Enter the user's age using the INCLINE or SPEED KEYS and
press ENTER.
3) Select the user's gender using the INCLINE or SPEED KEYS
and press ENTER.
4) Enter the user's weight (the user's weight is used to calculate
the caloric expenditure value, providing an accurate weight helps to
ensure an accurate caloric expenditure rating for each user) using
the INCLINE or SPEED KEYS and press ENTER.
5) Enter the desired intensity level using the INCLINE or SPEED
KEYS and press ENTER.
6) Press GO to begin the workout. The display will read 3, 2, 1,
and the workout will begin.
4.5 fiTNeSS TeST WorkoUT oPeraTioN - CoNTiNUed
CHaPTer 4: CoNSole oVerlay aNd WorkoUT deSCriPTioN