Use 5-minute epoxy and a pair of
hardwood blocks to mount an aileron
servo to each aileron servo
hatchplate with its output shaft
positioned furthest away from the
aileron’s hinge line. (Hint: Predrill
the hardwood blocks to fit your
servo’s mounting pattern.) Using the
servo manufacturer’s hardware,
attach a servo arm to each aileron
servo and an aileron servo to each
servo mounting hatchplate’s mounting blocks, then attach each servo and backplate
the provided screws.
Prepare the 4 wing struts for installation: Test fit a strut mounting tab at each
of all four struts; drill a set of holes through both ends of each strut and its
mounting tab; secure each tab to its strut with
wire anchor as shown at the right.
Test fit the wing struts into the openings in the top of the bottom wing
shorter struts belong at the front (nearest the leading edge);
in the rear (nearest the trailing edge).
Slide the upper wing’s spar midway through the
upper wing’s center section, then position the
left and right upper wing panels onto the upp
wing’s spar. As the upper wing panels near the
upper wing’s center section, carefully align the
upper wing panel’s dowel pins with the match
ing openings in the upper wing’s center section.
Carefully guide the wing struts into their
openings in the bottom of both left and right
panels of the top wing. Use 5-minute epoxy to
secure all four wing struts and tabs into their
openings in both the top and bottom wing
panels. While this epoxy is fresh, firmly press
the left and right pairs of top and bottom wing
panels together, secure each pair of wing panels
with masking tape, and set the fuselage with its
wing panel assemblies aside until the epoxy
After the wing strut’s epoxy has fully cured, remove the masking tape from the left
Attach an aileron pushrod’s clevis to the output arm of each
the rear of the servo. Secure each clevis with a short
hole hole in each aileron, install the aileron
attach the clevis on the loose end of the aileron
control horn. Remove the masking tape from the ailerons.
the clevises are adjusted, coat each clevis and rod with
safely affix each clevis to its rod; also, as a safety
clevis before and after each flight.)
Using wood screws, attach two wing wire anchors
edge and the second near the trailing edge of the lower wing
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servo mounting hatchplate’s mounting blocks, then attach each servo and backplate assembly to its wing panel with
Prepare the 4 wing struts for installation: Test fit a strut mounting tab at each end
a set of holes through both ends of each strut and its
strut with a bolt and nut plus a metal wing
the openings in the top of the bottom wing: The
the leading edge); the longer struts go
Slide the upper wing’s spar midway through the
upper wing’s center section, then position the
near the
upper wing’s center section, carefully align the
el’s dowel pins with the match-
ing openings in the upper wing’s center section.
left and right
epoxy to
secure all four wing struts and tabs into their
top and bottom wing
each pair of wing panels
fuselage with its
aside until the epoxy is fully cured.
After the wing strut’s epoxy has fully cured, remove the masking tape from the left and right pairs of wing panels.
to the output arm of each aileron servo and align each pushrod toward its aileron, directly to
Secure each clevis with a short length of silicon tubing. Using the pushrod as a guide, mark and drill a
aileron control horn assemblies, and
aileron’s pushrod’s to the aileron’s
Remove the masking tape from the ailerons. (Reminder: Once
coat each clevis and rod with epoxy to securely and
so, as a safety precaution, check each
anchors: One near the leading edge
of the lower wing (at 1-inch from the
Copyright 2020 - N28 / RS051120
assembly to its wing panel with glue or
and right pairs of wing panels.
aileron servo and align each pushrod toward its aileron, directly to
Using the pushrod as a guide, mark and drill a