Mobile programmable gateway
MC Technologies GmbH, Kabelkamp 2, 30179 Hannover, Germany
Tel: +49511 67 69 99-0, Fax: +49511 67 69 99-150, Website & Shop:, Email:
9.10 Change IP-address
Change using Command Prompt
Open the Command Prompt to login your device:
1. Type: ssh root@
2. Type the password.
3. Open the configuration file using command: vim /etc/config/network
Press “i” to enter the input mode, and change the line "option ipaddr" in the
interface "lan" to the corresponding address.
5. If the MC100 is to go online via a router, the line option gateway
'aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd' can be added (with the IP address of the router).
6. Then press Escape to save the file, and then type :wq and press Enter.
Finally, type service network reload and press Enter
Restart the network services with the new settings. After a few seconds the MC100
has the new IP address. If necessary, the network connection at the host PC must be
briefly disconnected and reconnected so that the PC can obtain a new IP.
Change using LuCi Web Interface
1. Using LuCi Web interface, login to your MC100.
2. Go to Network
Under LAN Click on “EDIT”.
Under “General Settings”, change “IPv4 address”.
Click on “SAVE”, and then click on “SAVE & APPLY”