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Summary of Contents for Farmall F-14

Page 1: ...Farmall F 14 Tractor...

Page 2: ...dcempletefgundJillEdwith oil as the 4 T m c t m IOI United 5 CsmgJete instructions for oilin are showrr on Lubrication Chart 6 Do n d or i be Imded t ntif it Do not owrlez d the Tril6tor at any time o...

Page 3: ...e the accident occurs Regardless of the care used in the design and construction of any type of equipment there are many conditions that cannot be completely safeguarded against without interfering wi...

Page 4: ...Pages 5 to 1 0 are for D i s t i l l a t e O e r a t i o n Page N o 1 6 Inside back cover page 6 i s f o r both aso1tneand i s t i a t e Operations The balance of the book i s for both Gasoline and D...

Page 5: ...htle engine i s running Proper lubrication i s very important and instructions should be followed closely See llLubrication Chart See Special I n s t r u c t i o n s f o r Cold Feather Operation on pa...

Page 6: Do not h i t c h t o t h e t r a c t o r a t any poin Do not attempt t o v u l l when draw bar i s Always use draw bar and braces 1 ar governed speed Excess i v e t except t o t h e draw bar remove...

Page 7: ...nnections a r e missing replace before s t a r t i n g Lubricate each place throughout e n t i r e Tractor a s i n s t r u c t e d on Lubrication Chartn ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM Hater c a p o c l t y 3 U...

Page 8: ...PGHT Grrrn 2 2A To a s s i s t i n warming up a cold engine quickly c l o s e the winterfront s h u t t e r completely by turning control handle a l l the way t o the l e f t counter clockwise When h...

Page 9: ...fuel and be sure it is free from foreign substance The fuel and gas01ine tanks have air uents in caps Ieep these u S open NOTB Distillate fuels should confora to International Baruester Company speci...

Page 10: ...e s u l t N O T E I f engine i s t o be operated when temperatures are below 3Z0 F see special i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r Cold Weather Operation pages 17 and 18 T O START ENGINE 23 4 Retard spark...

Page 11: ...sures on page 33 EilGINE SPEED C O N T R O L Since the governor maintains constant engine speed under variable loads the engine speed control hand lever should be used only t o reduce the speed of the...

Page 12: ...o s t a r t 39 The engine can be stopped quickly i n emer gencies by retarding spark a l l the way d o t e I f adjustment o f t h e c a r b u r e t o r should be n e c e s s a r y f o l l o w the i n...

Page 13: ...running i s obtalned a t t h i s speed For best operation and minimum dilution keep adjustment as lean as p0rsible Screw i n f o r lean and but f o r rich load mixture I D L E FUEL ADJUSTMENT Retard...

Page 14: ...n gasoline Carefully strain all fuel and be sure it is free from foreign substance 7 Open fuel t m k shut off valve under the fuel tank The fuel tank has an air vent in cap Keep this vent open NOT If...

Page 15: ...t h e l u b r i c a t i n g o i l 6 7 Gasoline shut off valve should be open IW IFOLD HEAT CONTROL VALVE The h e a t control valve on engine manifold should be s e t a t Hotv or s t a r t i n g positi...

Page 16: ...t h e e n l i n e raras up t h e choke should be e r a d u a l l y opened 0 1 1 t h e wnu 8 Advance spark c o n t r o l l e v e r 8 YO Do not s t a r t t h e engine w l t h t h e spork l e v e r l u l...

Page 17: ...sengages the clutch Clutch must always be disengaged while shifting gears Ye gear shifting lever to desired speed Gently release pressure on clutch pedal t h i s engages clutch and causes t r a c t o...

Page 18: ...crew one or more notches u n t i l steady run ning i s obtcined a t t h i s speed Screw i n f o r l e a n and o u t for r i c h load mixture I D L E F U E L ADJUSTMENT Retzrd engine speed control hand...

Page 19: ...TOR Disengage clutch by pressing down firmly on clutch pedal then move gear shifting lever to neutral position Use the brakes if necessary SnFETY FIRST Stop power Coke off before dismounting from trac...

Page 20: ...engine crankcase l i g h t enough t h a t engine w i l l not be too s t i f f to crank If desired during very cold weather the engine o i l i n the crankcase pan can be completely drained each night D...

Page 21: ...ged and that rater drains completely IUPORTAXTI Phen ftlllnl rodtotor tn freezing veother cover entire radiator Stort engine then put in water tmmedtodely This prevents voter from freesin during uorat...

Page 22: ...cator n o t r e g i s t e r it i s an indication t h a t the o i l pump i s n o t performing prop e r l y or the o i l supply needs renewing The engine should be stopped immediately and the o i l syst...

Page 23: a s to give lubricant a chance to f i l l the tube When follower rod i s pulled out as f a r a s possible turn the follower rod so t h a t swedged ears on rod w i l l prevent it from forcing the lu...

Page 24: ...mptly replaced for economical operation P0110w l u b r l t l o n reeonmendattons Ieap tractor as c l e a n 0s posstble cnd 012 workinl ports free from on accuaulatton o f dirt grease and brit Read In...

Page 25: ...ngine should n e u e r be used O i l should b e added to keep to full level mark on o i l cup Air I n t a k e P i p e Screen The a i r intake pipe i s provided with an i n l e t screen t o prevent l a...

Page 26: ...ghlyu n t i l a l l d i r t i s remov d he cleaner can also be cleaned by shakine i t i n a container of kero sene Replace bottom plate end top gasket i n the same position Make sure caskets are i n d...

Page 27: ...t up and remove outer s h e l l nBn Remove element C u and replace with new eleient I n some cases where clearance i s small it may be necessary t o l i f t the outer s h e l l and element together i...

Page 28: ...rouble w i l l he found i n one of several causes such as bent leaky or plugged up f u e l l i n e s f u e l tank empty f u e l bowl loose or d i r t v screen f u e l e l a s s bowl n o t being cleane...

Page 29: ...f t e r careful t e s t s a s best suited for t h i s engine i s the Champion No 1 Commercial or AC Tractor 9 and should be used Only a complete s e t of e i t h e r type of spark plug should be used...

Page 30: ...aring o i l cup 3 once use l i g h t o i l After approximately 1000 hours of service o i l rotor bearings 2 and 4 with a few drops of l i g h t o i l Every week o i l impulse coupling 5 liberally Use...

Page 31: i n s e r t i n g rod o r wire i n coupling o i l e r and l i f t i n g pawl see I l lustrotton No 19 4 Crank engine u n t i l rubbing block S e a I l l u s t r o tton No 1 9 i s on the high p o i...

Page 32: ...nt excessive wear of breaker arm rubbing block Cout1on Hhen s e r v l c t n l the breaker neehonlsn unusuol core should be exercised to preuenl the entrance o f dust Lone breaker llfe 1s assured If th...

Page 33: ...i d e of block l a l s o face of d i s t r i b u t o r d i s c 2 with a clean cloth moistened with kerosene then wipe dry Moisten cloth with engine o i l and apply a very l i g h t coat of o i l Cauti...

Page 34: ...d i s t u r b the s e t t i n g Rotaze magneto clockwise as viewed from coupling end u n t i l rubbing block i n breaker assembly i s on high point of cam Check or a d j u s t point opening t o proper...

Page 35: ...plug t o socket marked Inon d i s t r i b u t o r block Advancine clockwise on d i s t r i b u t o r block connect next socket with No 3 cylindGr next with No 4 cylinder n e i t with No 2 cylinder see...

Page 36: ...ay not remedy the trouble should be changed does disturbed the be restored I I L D L Knocking Spark too f a r advanced Excess carbon i n the cylinders S t i c k y valve o r improperly adjusted valves...

Page 37: ...inta each 571 inder One half tea cup full of oil for each cylinder is recommended for the larger engines with a proportionally less amount for smaller engines 3 Remove valve housing cover and f h s h...

Page 38: ...ves and pistons 4 Flush out cranltcase with kerosene and f i l l with specified lubricating o i l See L u b r i c a t i o n GhorC 1 5 Be sure f i l t e r has a nen8 element before s t a r t i n g engi...


Page 40: ...oullng or when any mechanical difflculties occur as he has the necessary equipment for doln the work INDEX Description B e l t Pulley Brakes Adjusting f o r wear Removing brake shoes Clutch engine Coo...

Page 41: so a s t o not i n j u r e tubes o r break the bond o f f i n s t o tubes Radiator core with f i n s loose or broken from tubes w i l l cause over heating CAUTION When englne is hot and wate...

Page 42: ...the bottom of the tlV1f i n pulley t h i s w i l l wear out the belt NoLe I f p u l l e y on which b e l t b o t t o m s i n t h e g r o o v e i s o f t h e a d j u s t a b l e t y p e movable flange...

Page 43: ...n g crank pin i s i n horizontal sosition as shown tn I l l u s t r a t i o n No 25 Both valves are then closed on compression stroke of No 1 cylinder Check or adjust No 1 valves Crank engine 1 2 turn...

Page 44: ...t as you w i l l not secure an even pressure on the gasket in t h i s manner lfter entlne has been runnlnl o few mlnutes tllhten the nuts ogotn cnut1on Be snre to odjust valve tappet clearance after t...

Page 45: ...between the clutch s h i f t e r shoe and the throw out bearing re tainer flange I n order t o maintain t h i s clearance t h e clutch pedal should have a f r e e movement of not l e s s than lau whe...

Page 46: ...e spring adjusting nut D When making t h i s adjustEent the shoulder bolt thro lever El1 should be removed and spring adjusting nut Dm unhooked ahd turned u n t i l proper adjustment is obtained Then...

Page 47: ...i l l e d with d i r t it i s very d i f f i c u l t to thoroughly clean it This precau tion may save time and d i f f i c u l t y l a t e r RENOVING OR CEANGIRG POSITION O F R E A R WHLELS To remove...

Page 48: ...l s o be borne i n mind t o make the hitch i n such a way t h a t the action of the p u l l on the draw bar w i l l neither tend t o r a i s e t h e t r a c t o r front wheels from nor t h r u s t th...

Page 49: ...are i n mesh then slowly l e t i n clutch BELT PULLEY T O OPERATE BELT PULLEY The gear s h i f t b e l t pulley lever neutral position when operating the Belt pulley i s always runoing when clutch is...

Page 50: ...MEMORANDA...

Page 51: ...9 in 597 r p m ith 12 ptulky 258Q bt Pulley diameter Pulley fan 6 in From whee Irr Dual stet 4 x 22 in Front whee e Tread Front Axle AttadEmmt 1 3 ZzMin Drive w h d 8 t e i 6 u 54 in Trend fmt Vide Tr...
