Activates automatically when the system boots up causing a
warning message to appear when anything attempts to access the
boot sector or hard disk partition table.
Disabled No warning message will appear when anything attempts to
access the boot sector or hard disk partition table.
CPU Internal Cache/External Cache:
These two categories speed up memory access.
However, it depends on CPU/chipset design.
CPU L2 Cache ECC Checking:
This item allows you enable/disable CPU L2 Cache ECC
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.
Quick Power On Self Test:
This category speeds up Power On Self Test (POST)
after you power up the computer. If it is set to Enable, BIOS will shorten or skip
some check items during POST.
Enable quick POST
Normal POST
First/Second/Third/Other Boot Device:
The BIOS attempts to load the operating system
from the devices in the sequence selected in these items.
The Choice: Floppy, LS/ZIP, HDD, SCSI, and CDROM.
Other Boot Device: If this option is enable the Bios will attempt to load operating system from other
boot device that is available if the other fails.
Swap Floppy Drive:
If the system has two floppy drives, you can swap the logical drive
name assignments.
The choice: Enabled/Disabled.
Boot Up Floppy Seek:
Seeks disk drives during boot up. Disabling speeds boot up.
The choice: Enabled/Disabled.
Boot Up NumLock Status:
Select power on state for NumLock.
The choice: Enabled/Disabled.
Gate A20 Option:
Select if chipset or keyboard controller should control GateA20.
A pin in the keyboard controller controls GateA20
Lets chipset control GateA20
Typematic Rate Setting
Key strokes repeat at a rate determined by the keyboard
controller. When enabled, the typematic rate and typematic delay can be selected.
The choice: Enabled/Disabled.
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec):
Sets the number of times a second to repeat a keystroke
when you hold the key down.
The choice: 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30.
Typematic Delay (Msec):
Sets the delay time after the key is held down before it begins to
repeat the keystroke.
The choice: 250, 500, 750, 1000.
Security Option:
Select whether the password is required every time the system
boots or only when you enter setup.
The system will not boot and access to Setup will be denied if the
correct password is not entered at the prompt.