Cold (Local) Installation Procedure
Appendix D
Software Download
D.1 Scope
This section presents procedures for installing new software upgrade releases in the
KCL.2 module. The KCL.2 module stores the software in Flash memory. The
software is stored in compressed format, and is decompressed and loaded into the
module RAM upon power-up. Since the Flash memory is not used to run the
software, new software can be loaded in two ways:
Off-line, using any PC directly connected to the Supervisory Port of the KCL.2
module. In this case, the MX-2100 system cannot carry traffic while software
downloading takes place. This procedure can be used to upgrade the module
software version, as well as to install software in a new KCL.2 module, e.g., a
repaired module. This installation method is called
, or
, software
The cold software installation process must be performed from the DOS
prompt; only use a DOS window under Windows ’95. The program DL.EXE is
required for performing the cold installation.
On-line, use TFTP software, directly or through other MX-2100 systems
without stopping the operation of the MX-2100 system in which the KCL.2
module is installed.
This procedure can only be used to upgrade the module software version
while the equipment operates, and therefore it is called
, or
software installation.
Software releases are distributed on diskettes. The diskettes carry the compressed
software file, KM2100.ARJ.
D.2 Cold (Local) Installation Procedure
1. Copy the distribution files, KM2100.ARJ and DL.EXE, to a convenient directory
on your PC.
2. Set DIP switch 3 on the KCL.2 back panel to ON.