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In order to achieve this mode, keep pressing the humidistat button (on the 10L and 12L model) or the
down arrow (on the 20L model) until CO appears on the display. In CO mode the dehumidifier will not
stop, it will continue to dry the environment regardless of the room relative humidity. This is the
recommend setting for drying your laundry.
When the dehumidifier is switched off, either by the ON/OFF button or via a power cut, when turned
back on the dehumidifier will continue to run in the same settings it was previously running on.
When the room relative humidity is more than 3%rh below your target relative humidity the dehumidifier
will stop drying the air, but the fan will continue to run for a few minutes. If the relative humidity is stable,
then the dehumidifier will go to sleep for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes the dehumidifier will wake up and sample the air with just the fan running so that the
relative humidity sensor can tell the control panel what the room relative humidity is, if the relative
humidity is more than 3%rh above the set point then it will start to dehumidify again, if not then the fan
will go to sleep again for another 30 minutes.
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For general use we recommend setting the dehumidifier to reach a target humidity level of 50%rh or
55%rh and positioning the dehumidifier in a central position within your home, for example the landing
or hallway. If you have more of a problem in one area of your house/flat, place the dehumidifier closer
to that area. Leave all the interior doors open and keep the windows closed. Moisture in the air, from
the entire house, will migrate towards the dehumidifier allowing the machine to reduce the relative
humidity level. For best results, leave your dehumidifier running 24/7.
Please note, when you first start using your dehumidifier, you may find it will run continuously, collecting
a large amount of water, or struggling to reach the target humidity level. This is completely normal.
There will be a lot of excess water in the environment that the dehumidifier needs to remove, meaning
it must work a lot harder. After a few weeks, the humidity level will stabilise meaning your dehumidifier
will run less frequently and collect less water.
To dry laundry faster, place the laundry and the dehumidifier into as small a room as possible, with all
the doors and windows closed. Position the dehumidifier so that its dry air can hit as large an area of
washing as possible and position the laundry so that the air can circulate around them. Make sure water
from the laundry is not able to drip onto the dehumidifier. If possible, use a pedestal fan to speed up the
airflow and push more dry air across more of the laundry. Some warmth in the room will also help. Set
the dehumidifier to run on CO mode and the highest fan speed.