5. Locate the escutcheon and the four (4) #6 - 32x3/8” pan head screws.
6. Mount the Reader to the previously installed mounting plate by feeding the Reader cable end through
the escutcheon and mounting plate to the inside of the safe door, as shown in Figure 7.
Information on the spindle adaptor drive pins
The drive pins on the spindle adaptor have different diameters and must be placed in the corresponding sized
holes on the back of the Reader assembly.
Medeco XT
Safe Lock Installation Guide
4. If you are using a dead bolt or swing bolt lock, you must insert the spindle adaptor and spindle assembly into
the rear of the Reader assembly, as shown in Figure 6.
Information on spindle adaptor and spindle assembly
Take care not to unseat the spindle adaptor and spindle assembly (if required) from the Reader.