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BalanceTutor user manual 200824.doc
9 Troubleshooting
9.1 Touch screen is not responding
In a case that there is no communication with the PC, and the treadmill motors continuing there
action/program. You need to press immediately the emergency button to stop the motors activity and
then pressing the blue light button to reset the operation system of the PC.
9.2 Interference factor
9.2.1 Mechanical
Mechanical obstacles could bring the perturbation platform to a failure state. Pay attention to the
following obstacles; Wall, some obstacle between floor and bottom of the platform, human leg, etc.
9.2.2 Electrostatic Discharge
If the user moves around the devices they can be electro statically charged with up to several
thousand volts. If then the user touches a metal piece, keys or display, it can lead to an electrostatic
discharge between the user and the device. Electrostatic discharges can in certain cases result in
interference of the device. Generally those electrostatic discharges are without harm for the user as
well as for the device, but can be quite unpleasant. The main causes for electrostatic discharges are
the choice of clothes, the sole of a shoe and the movement. Very dry air and many light fittings can
also lead to the same results.
Solution: Try different clothes or shoes, humidify the air in the room, and switch part of the light
fittings off. Please inform the manufacturer if you detect such interference.
9.2.3 Source of Interference
The devices should not be installed near to e.g. an x-ray device, motors or transformer with high
connection power, as the electric and magnetic interference can falsify measurements. Very strong
sources of interference (e.g. above the limit according to EMT) can influence the functions of the
In case of any detected and/or assumed malfunctions and/or defects or unreadable safety
warning labels the device has to be taken out of operation, the device has to be marked and
secured against operation and the supplier and authorized service personnel has to be
informed in writing.