Special type coaxial connector suitable for HV
nanosecond pulses feeding. Please attach the output
HV cable firmly before turn-on the generator. It is
very important to keep HV connectors clean to prevent
unwanted arcing and glow discharge inside the mating
pair. If necessary, please clean the connectors with
cotton bud and alcohol, and then apply a drop of pure
silicone grease before mating the connectors. Grease
fills air gaps and eliminates possible discharge inside.
Non-latching push button, which toggles HV system
ON and OFF. Red LED on the button lights on when
HV system is activated and ready for triggering by
internal or external triggering pulse. HV sets to OFF
state when the generator is powered on, and
automatically switches to OFF state in case of
overheating or TRIGGERING TEST mode activation.
Latching push button, which toggles internal or
external triggering modes. LED lights off if the button
is pushed and no external triggering pulses are
applied. LED blinks with 1 Hz frequency in case of
successful external triggering. Internal triggering
mode is activated in the pushing back state. Red LED
on the button lights on and indicates immediate
triggering when HV system is activated by HV
ON/OFF button.
Four-digit LED display and control knob with push-
button, which set FREQUENCY and NUMBER OF
PULSES parameters. The FREQUENCY is indicated
in kHz with a decimal dot. For example, 1 Hz is
indicated as
; 100 kHz is indicated as
Please push the control knob until it clicks and hold it
for one second to switch into NUMBER OF PULSES
mode. LED display would blink and indicate
NUMBER OF PULSES. For example, 1 pulse is
indicated as
, 10000 pulses are indicated in
thousands as
. Please push the control knob and
hold for one second again to switch back into
FREQUENCY mode. The complete lists of preset
frequencies and the number of pulses are shown in
Appendix A.
User manual of NPG-10/100k (NPG-10/100kN) 7