Assembly Instructions
Fig. 19
Fig. 20
Fig. 21
e) Using 3pcs Truss Head Screw (A) and 3 pcs flat
washer (C) to connect left side shelf and firebox
assembly (R),Using 1pcs Truss Head Screw (B)
to connect Side shelf front panel,left
and main control panel. As shown in Fig.19.
8. Right Side Burner Assembly
a) Loosen but do not remove the screw which is
pre-assembled on the outside firebox, Side
burner end cap,right(T),attached the side burner
end cap,right(T) onto the Side burner,right
(S),Tighten the screws that were loosened
above,As shown in Fig.20.
b) Using 2 pcs Truss Head Screw (B) to connect
Side burnder end cap,right(T) and side
burner,right (S).As shown in Fig.21.
Ax 3
Cx 3
Bx 1
Bx 2