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12. Remove the presser foot, bushing and spring by pulling them straight out of the upper arm
13. Place the upper presser foot bearing in position on the presser foot for installation and hold it in
14. Place the presser foot assembly in place on the machine as shown in Figure 1 and start the guide
shaft into the top bearing. Note the position of the upper portion of the presser foot with the
reciprocator shaft.
Install a plain plastic bearing flange into the top of the spring.
16. Insert the spring and push the guide shaft through the spring into the lower presser foot bearing.
Turn the presser foot guide shaft until the flats at both ends face towards the front.
18. Pull the presser foot guide shaft down until it seats into the lower hole in the upper arm body.
Tighten the set screws on the top and bottom of the upper arm to the torque specifications. Make
sure the top of the shaft is below the top face of the casting.
20. Lift the needle bars that have dropped down one at a time so that the needle studs align with
the others and slide the needlecase over to the right. When all of the needles are up and aligned,
center needlecase. Lift the presser foot to clear the right side of the grabber.
21. Adjust the needle case left or right as needed so that the end of the color change spindle is even
with the outside edge of the right color change spindle mounting bracket.
22. Tighten the top screws on both the left and right color change spindle mounting brackets to
torque specifications.
23. Install the needle case cover and access cover.
24. Pull the slack out of the threads and press them into the thread retaining spring located on the
front of the needlecase cover, cutting the excess right at the spring.
25. Turn the machine on.
26. Go to bottom dead center in the Maintenance Menu in the Bravo OS software and verify left and
right needle centering in the needle plate hole.
Note: The above procedure is based on the assumption that left to right needle centering was
correct before the screws on the color change spindle mounting brackets were loosened.
27. You now need to verify the distance from the needle to the presser foot. The nominal distance
from the centerline of the needle / needle bar to the lowest inner surface of the presser foot is
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