Operating Instructions - CPC6050
Modular Pressure Controller
Pressing any of these units will change the auxiliary units to that chosen unit.
Digital I/O: Displays the current state of digital inputs and outputs per channel as "1" for high and "0" for
Barometer: Dispays the reading of the optional barometric reference in current pressure units Zero Button
If the Zero Calibration function has been chosen in the Display Settings App (section 6.4.4), then the
Zero Cal Button [
] will appear in the Home App. If the channel is measuring absolute pressure,
and the Zero Cal Button is pressed, a keyboard will appear to allow a single point calibration. If the chan-
nel is measuring gauge pressure, pressing the button will set the current reading to zero. If the channel
is in emulation mode (absolute or gauge) then the value will not be saved to the transducer but only as a
temporary adjustment while in emulation mode. After exiting the emulation mode or after a power cycle,
the temporary adjustment will be cleared. The zero adjustment for a channel not in emulation mode will
be saved to the transducer as if single point calibration had been performed.
Figure shows two channels displayed, the zero cal function has been enabled for channel A. The
screen on the left shows both channels with zero buttons. The screen on the right shows the same two
channels, but the zero button on the absolute channel has been pressed, showing the keypad enabled to
accept a new single point calibration value.
Figure - Zero Button, Gauge - Absolute
The background color of the zero button will momentarily change to a lighter color as the zero calibration
is performed then will revert back to a darker color when complete.