WIKA operating instructions hydraulic high pressure controller model CPC8000-H
PN 0018708001B 11/2020 EN
6. Operation
• Zero Function
When the zero option is chosen, it will become displayed on the upper left side of the main screen (Figure The zero
function allows the active transducer to perform a zero point calibration from the home screen. This operation will be permanently
saved to the transducer memory if the instrument is in the native pressure units. It will temporarily save a zero offset if the
instrument is being emulated. The emulated zero and native mode zero are independent of each other, so a zero routine will
need to be performed on each pressure type, if desired. During the zeroing process, the touchscreen will be locked and the
sequence text will appear on the right side of the screen that lets the user know the process is ongoing. Although the screen is
locked, the red can still be pressed to cancel the process and unlock the screen.
Zero Button
Figure Zero Button
• Tare Function
When the tare option is chosen, it will become displayed on the upper left side of the main screen (Figure The tare
function allows a tare offset to be applied to the sensor reading. When selected, the tare button will be highlighted yellow , the
reading will go to zero and the setpoint will be adjusted by the tare value (Figure This is a temporary offset and it will
be removed on reboot, when the tare function is removed, or when the tare button is pressed again.
Figure Tare ON
Tare Button
Figure Tare Button