WIKA operating instructions hydraulic high pressure controller model CPC8000-H
PN 0018708001B 11/2020 EN
transducer should be entered into the column labeled “Actual”. To enter readings, simply press the corresponding point in the
“Reference” or “Actual” columns and a data entry keypad will appear on the side bar. Enter and accept the point using the key pad
and check mark. Pressing the Save button linearizes the internal transducer based on the “As Found” data entered.
Figure 8.3.9 Linearization
• Live Cal
Linearization can also be accomplished for each transducer in a live Calibration by pressing the "Live Cal" button. The Live Cal
allows the calibration technician to perform the calibration and linearization for each transducer in a more direct way. In the Live
Cal application, the reference standard is connected to the Measure/Control port and the CPC8000-H is placed in Measure mode.
Choose the transducer to be tested by pressing the Primary, Secondary, or Barometer button. The reference pressure generated
by the standard is recorded in the “Reference” column for each point. The reading of the internal transducer for each pressure point
can be seen directly in the “Reading” window. Pressing the corresponding point under the “Actual” column will accept that reading
into that point. Subsequent pressure points generated by the pressure standard are accepted and recorded in the same way. After
all points are entered, press the Save button to linearize the internal transducer based on the “Live Cal” data.
At any time the [Factory Cal] button can be pressed to revert back to the factory calibration.
• Remote Linearization
The Reference points and Actual points can also be sent over the remote bus for automated transducer linearizations. Set each
reference pressure with the command “Desiredpress <n>,<pressure>” where <n> is the 0th based index. “Desiredpress 0,0” will
set the 1st Reference point’s value to 0. “Desiredpress 1,1.5” will set the 2nd reference point to 1.5, etc. Each subsequent reference
point must be greater in value than the previous point. It is advised to send all of your Reference points first before proceeding. Use
your reference to control the pressure on the measure port to the Reference/desired pressure. Then send the pressure reading
over the bus with the command “Actualpress <n>,<reading>” where <n> is the 0th based index. This reading should be /-
1%FS of the Reference point. Send each of the 3 to 11 readings with the “Actualpress” command and then send “Calculate_as_
found_linearity” and then “Save_linearity”. Your active transducer linearization is now complete.
8. Maintenance and Recalibration