90-823224--2 796
454 CID (7.4L) / 502 CID (8.2L) - 3A-57
4. The deflection is the difference between these
two measurements. If the deflection exceeds 3/4
in. (19 mm), timing chain should be replaced.
a - Reference Point
5. Install torsional damper and crankcase front
Measuring Lobe Lift
NOTE:Procedure is similar to checking valve timing.
If improper valve operation is indicated, measure lift
of each push rod in consecutive order and record
1. Remove valve mechanism as outlined.
2. Adapt dial indicator to cylinder head by tempo-
rarily installing suitable stud in bolt hole. Position
indicator with ball socket adaptor tool, from Lift In-
dicator Tool Kit, on push rod. Be sure that push
rod is in lifter socket.
a - Lift Indicator Tool Kit (J-8520)
3. Rotate torsional damper slowly in direction of ro-
tation until lifter is on heel of cam lobe. At this
point, push rod will be in its lowest position.
4. Set dial indicator on zero, then rotate damper
slowly (or attach an auxiliary starter switch and
“bump” engine over) until push rod is in fully
raised position.
5. Compare total lift, recorded from dial indicator,
with “Specifications.”
6. Continue to rotate engine until indicator reads
zero. This will be a check on accuracy of original
indicator reading.
7. If camshaft readings for all lobes are within speci-
fications, remove dial indicator assembly and
8. Install and torque valve mechanism to specifica-