Engine Model and Horsepower
Engine Serial Number
Transom Assembly Serial Number (Sterndrive)
Gear Ratio
Sterndrive Unit Serial Number
Transmission Model (Inboard)
Gear Ratio
Transmission Serial Number
Propeller Number
Hull Identification Number (HIN)
Purchase Date
Boat Manufacturer
Boat Model
The serial numbers are the manufacturer’s keys to numerous engineering details that apply to your Mercury MerCruiser®
power package. When contacting your Authorized Mercury MerCruiser Dealer about service, always specify model and serial
The description and specifications contained herein were in effect at the time this guide was approved for printing. Mercury
Marine, whose policy is one of continuous improvement, reserves the right to discontinue models at any time, or to change
specifications or designs, without notice and without incurring obligation.
Mercury Marine, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA. Printed in USA.
© 2013, Mercury Marine
Alpha, Axius, Bravo One, Bravo Two, Bravo Three, Circle M with Waves Logo, K‑planes, Mariner, MerCathode, MerCruiser,
Mercury, Mercury with Waves Logo, Mercury Marine, Mercury Precision Parts, Mercury Propellers, Mercury Racing,
MotorGuide, OptiMax, Quicksilver, SeaCore, Skyhook, SmartCraft, Sport‑Jet, Verado, VesselView, Zero Effort, Zeus, and #1
On the Water are registered trademarks of Brunswick Corporation. Mercury Product Protection is a registered service mark of
Brunswick Corporation.
You have selected one of the finest marine power packages available. It incorporates numerous design features to assure
operating ease and durability.
With proper care and maintenance, you will thoroughly enjoy using this product for many boating seasons. To ensure maximum
performance and carefree use, we ask that you thoroughly read this manual.
The Operation, Maintenance and Warranty Manual contains specific instructions for using and maintaining your product. We
suggest that this manual remain with the product for ready reference whenever you are on the water.
Thank you for purchasing one of our Mercury MerCruiser products. We sincerely hope your boating will be pleasant!
Mercury MerCruiser
Warranty Message
The product you have purchased comes with a
limited warranty
from Mercury Marine; the terms of the warranty are set forth
in the Warranty Sections of this manual. The warranty statement contains a description of what is covered, what is not covered,
the duration of coverage, how to best obtain warranty coverage, important disclaimers and limitations of damages and other
related information. Please review this important information.
Mercury Marine products are designed and manufactured to comply with our own high quality standards, applicable industry
standards and regulations, as well as certain emissions regulations. At Mercury Marine every engine is operated and tested
before it is boxed for shipment to make sure that the product is ready for use. In addition, certain Mercury Marine products are
tested in a controlled and monitored environment, for up to 10 hours of engine run time, in order to verify and make a record of
compliance with applicable standards and regulations. All Mercury Marine product, sold as new, receives the applicable limited
warranty coverage, whether the engine participated in one of the test programs described above or not.
Read This Manual Thoroughly
IMPORTANT: If you don’t understand any portion of this manual, contact your dealer for a demonstration of actual starting and
operating procedures.