Section 5 - Maintenance
Page 65
3. Install the oil drain pump onto the dipstick tube.
a -
Oil drain pump
b -
Dipstick tube
c -
Oil drain hose
4. Insert the hose end of the crankcase oil pump onto an appropriate container and use the handle to pump until the
crankcase is empty.
5. Remove the pump.
6. Install the dipstick.
Changing the Oil Filter
1. Remove and discard oil filter.
a -
Oil fill cap
b -
Oil filter
2. Coat the sealing ring on the new filter with engine oil.
3. Install and tighten the oil filter securely following the filter manufacturer's instructions. Do not overtighten.
4. Remove oil fill cap.
5. Use the dipstick to determine the amount of engine oil required. Replace the dipstick.
6. Add the required amount of the recommended oil to bring the level up to the bottom of the OK range on the dipstick.
7. With the boat at rest in the water, repeat steps 5 and 6 if necessary.
NOTE: Adding 0.95 L (1 US qt) of engine oil raises the level from the bottom of the operating range to the top of the
operating range.
All Models
Fluid Type
Engine oil (with filter)
6.5 L (7 US qt)
Mercury Full‑Synthetic MerCruiser Engine Oil 20W‑40
8. Start the engine and operate for three minutes, checking for leaks.
9. Stop the engine and allow the oil to drain into the oil pan for approximately five minutes with the boat at rest in the water.
Steering Fluid
1. Using the steering wheel, position the sterndrive so that it is in the straight ahead position.
2. Remove the fill cap from the steering fluid reservoir and note the fluid level.