6. Remove the fuel filter from the lift handle.
a -
Fuel hose release tab
b -
Low‑pressure fuel filter
c -
Hose holder
1. Place the lift handle onto the fuel filter. Install the new fuel filter so the
arrow points towards the engine.
2. Connect the fuel hoses to the fuel filter securely with the locking hose
3. Visually inspect for fuel leakage from the fuel filter while turning the
ignition key to the "RUN" position, forcing fuel into the fuel filter. Repair
any fuel leaks if necessary.
4. Install the fuel filter back into the opening. Position the lift handle so that
the locking tab is secured under the bracket.
Corrosion Control Anode
The outboard has corrosion control anodes at different locations. An anode
helps protect the outboard against galvanic corrosion by sacrificing its metal to
be slowly eroded instead of the outboard metals.
Each anode requires periodic inspection, especially in saltwater which will
accelerate the erosion. To maintain this corrosion protection, always replace
the anode before it is completely eroded. Never paint or apply a protective
coating on the anode as this will reduce effectiveness of the anode.