Meritor Heavy Vehicle Systems, LLC
2135 West Maple Road
Try, MI 48084 USA
Information contained in this publication was in effect at the time the publication was approved for printing and is
subject to change without notice or liability. Meritor Heavy Vehicle Systems, LLC, reserves the right to revise the
information presented or to discontinue the production of parts described at any time.
Copyright 2009
Meritor Automotive, Inc.
Printed in the USA
Revised 12-09
All Rights Reserved
Please Recycle
Unlock (disengage) the DCDL by removing the
manual engaging capscrew from the shift
Install the manual engaging capscrew into the
storage hole. The storage hole of bolted on
shift assemblies is located in the top side of the
shift cylinder cover. Tighten to 15-25 Ib-ft
(20-35 N•m).
Figure 1
10. Remove the plug and gasket from the storage
hole. Install the plug and gasket into the
threaded hole in the center of the shift cylinder
cover. Tighten to 15-25 Ib-ft (20-35 N•m).
11. Install the remaining axle shaft(s) into the axle
housing and carrier. Follow Steps 5-7.
12. Check the lubricant level in the axles and hubs
where the axle shafts were removed. Add the
correct type and amount of lubricant if
necessary. For information about lubrication,
refer to the Meritor Maintenance Manual 1,
Preventive Maintenance and Lubrication
, or
refer to the lubrication section of the Meritor
maintenance manual for the axle model you
are working with.