Lord of the Dance Pose
King Pigeon Pose
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products and training, please call:
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This product is sold without any warranties or
guarantees of any kind. The manufacturer and
distributor disclaim any liability, loss or damage
caused by its use.
Care and Cleaning
Clean your Yoga Block and Yoga Strap whenever
necessary by wiping with a cloth dipped in soap
suds or a combination of tea tree oil* and water.
Rinse with water and wipe dry with a towel
or cloth.
* Tea tree oil is a natural disinfectant available at most
pharmacies or health food stores; mix according to
directions on package.
Safety and Usage
Improper use of exercise equipment may cause
serious bodily injury. To reduce risk, please read
the following information carefully.
Before starting any exercise program,
consult a physician.
Stop exercising if you experience chest
pain, feel faint, have difficulty breathing, or
experience muscular or skeletal discomfort.
Perform exercises in a slow and controlled
manner; avoid excessive tension in neck
and shoulders.
Do not use equipment if it appears worn,
broken or damaged, and do not attempt to
repair equipment yourself.
Use equipment only as recommended.
Wrap the Yoga Strap around the
top of the foot in the Lord of the
Dance pose
The strap allows individuals with
less flexibility to achieve the pose
This helps open the front
wall of the body resulting in
a greater stretch
When performing the
King Pigeon Pose, use the
Yoga Strap to hold the
position when there is not
enough flexibility to hold
the foot directly
This allows greater length
through the hip flexors,
abdominals and shoulders