106 | 120
blue’Log X series
Standard values in the event of errors in all procedures
In the event of an error in the reactive power procedure or in the configured fallback
procedures, the configured cos
or Q fallback value will be specified as the target
value according to the reactive power procedure (cos
or Q) selected.
If for instance no valid target value can be specified using the selected "Q(AI)" reactive
power procedure with the help of an analog input signal (e.g. analog current signal
outside the permitted 4 - 20 mA range), a target value will be specified via the selected
general fallback procedure (e.g. "Q(U)"). If communication between the power quality
analyzer (PQA) and the blue’Log fails, no valid target value can be defined. In this case,
a set fallback value is specified as the target value.
The following errors lead to the use of the fallback values:
Errors when receiving specified target values (digital input, multi input or
communication with the power quality analyzer) for the general fallback procedure
Errors when configuring the selected fallback procedure.
Communication errors between the master blue’Log and slave blue’Log (the delay
time before use of the fallback value is 10 minutes)