6 Applications
Parameterisation and configuration
After the I/Os have been wired in a suitable manner for the sampling process and the start
of the positioning process, a range of parameters must be configured in various menus to
realise the "flying saw" function:
The synchronous position information is supplied to the servo drive by way of incremental
encoder pulses (either by the servo drive that drives the conveyor belt or by another
encoder that is installed on the conveyor belt). This is why the master frequency interface
must be configured as an input. In the menu
Operating mode/Encoder selection
, the
master frequency input X1 must be selected as the synchronisation source.
The index pulse is not required for this application. It should be deactivated. If it is still
connected and activated, it must be ensured that at least one index pulse must be
received by the servo drive after the system has been switched on and before the first
synchronous motion is performed. If this is not the case, the first index pulse during a
synchronous motion may cause jerking as the position will be reset.
The line of the incremental encoder or the master frequency of the master drive must be
entered into the menu
Parameters/Device parameters/Angle encoder settings
on the
To ensure that the linear drive moves at the same speed as the conveyor belt during a
synchronous run, the gear ratio of the linear drive and the circumference of the drive rolls
of the conveyor belt must be taken into consideration. The resulting factor must be entered
as a fraction into the electronic transmission menu
Angle encoder settings
on the
The direction of rotation can be indicated by a corresponding sign of the numerator.
The settings can be checked by briefly activating the synchronous motion in the
Flying saw
). The drive should move in synchronism with the
conveyor belt.
Position sets
The following processes must be parameterised in the position sets:
Set 0:
Movement to the starting position
Set 1:
Synchronisation activation and gripping of the object in a "synchronised movement"
Set 2:
Synchronisation deactivation and depositing of the object on the pallet
Product manual BL 4000-C
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