6 Applications
Tab: Index pulse control
Index pulse control (index pulse monitoring) is important if a target other than "index pulse"
has been selected and the reference point is an "index pulse". If the target is located very
close to the index pulse, slight changes in the mechanical system may cause a point
slightly "before" or "after" the original index pulse to be used as the reference point (or
home position) during the next homing run. The index pulse control (index pulse
monitoring) function is used to indicate the distance between the target and the index
pulse. The following window will be displayed:
Figure 43: "Homing position" window - "Index pulse control" tab
You can indicate the current distance between the target and index pulse. In addition, you
can configure a threshold. If the actual value falls below this threshold, a warning will be
issued. 100% corresponds to one revolution.
Product manual BL 4000-C
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