6 Applications
automatically based on the current position, target position and any additional
options (
absolute, relative, relative to last destination
Priority of the options
The option
SW-limit switch as target position
is usually used only for position sets in the
jog mode. Depending on the selected direction, the negative or positive end of the
positioning range will be entered as the target position.
This option has a higher priority than the option
Destination is acquired... from analogue
input AIN
In some cases, it might be useful to stop the drive as quickly as possible in the positioning
mode. This is the case, for example, during the synchronisation deactivation phase of the
"flying saw" application. The position set for the synchronisation deactivation can be
configured as "relative positioning, destination 0", for example. If the drive is still moving
when this position set is started, the drive travels beyond the target position and must then
reach the target by moving backwards. The option
Drive is not allowed to run backwards
to target
suppresses this behaviour.
If the checkbox
SW limit switches may be passed over
is ticked, the set SW position
limits will be ignored. In this case, the user must ensure that this does not cause any
In general, the option
Start a continuous positioning
is only useful if the option
analogue input AIN0
has been selected for
Destination is acquired...
. If this option is
active, the target position will be continuously updated by the firmware. This means that
the drive will follow any changes at analogue input AIN0. Otherwise, the position would be
used only when the start command is issued. As a result of this option, the current
positioning run will not be completed. The system will not issue any "Target reached"
message. As a result, a new positioning run can only be started if the start option
"Immediately go to new target" is activated.
If necessary, the torque for the position set can be limited in the area
Torque limitation
Alternatively, the value in the field
Torque limitation
can be configured as a comparison
value for the "Target reached" message for this position set. In this case, the checkbox
Torque limitation active
must not be ticked. If the
Tolerance time
is set to a value greater
than zero, the torque comparison process will not start until this time has passed. As a
result, it is possible to accelerate with a greater torque during this time. When the torque
comparison value is reached, or when the tolerance time has passed, the "Target
reached" message will be issued. The drive will then stop the positioning process and
adopt the current actual position as the new position setpoint. The "Target reached"
message will also be issued when the target position that is stored in the position set is
reached. Please contact the Technical Support team if you need more information about
the parameterisation and torque-based positioning runs.
Sampling in synchronous mode
This mode can be used for the "flying saw" function. It delays the start of the position set
when a certain lead has been exceeded.
The fast digital input SAMPLE can be used to store the current actual position of a master
system (trigger event). The digital input START can then be used to start the
Product manual BL 4000-C
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