Securing the electric wheelchair
The electric wheelchair is to be secured as
follows to prevent it from rolling off unin-
1. Switch the selection lever for drive-/
push mode down to drive mode on
both sides.
2. Switch off the operating module.
Functional checks
The functions and safety of the electric
wheelchair must be checked before the
start of each journey.
Therefore observe chapter
You define the speed and direction yourself
with the joystick movements (driving and
steering lever) while driving as well as the
preadjusted maximum final speed of your
electric wheelchair.
Therefore observe operation manual
< Operating module >.
Brake the vehicle down carefully and in
time. This is especially the case when driv-
ing in front of people and while driving
Service brake
The motors work electrically as operating
brake and carefully brake the electric wheel-
chair down without jerks to stillstand.
Braking the electric wheelchair
For allotted braking of the electric wheel-
chair slowly guide the joystick (steering and
driving lever) back to the centre position
Emergency braking
The electric wheelchair stops in short-
est distance after releasing the joysticks.
Parking brake
The parking brakes are only effective when
the selection lever drive-/push mode is set
to drive mode on both drives.
The parking brake disengages auto-
matically when you start to drive.
The parking brakes are manually disen-
gaged by switching the selection lever
drive-/push mode on both drives to push