[ ] In similar fashion, install the other 10-meter wire, connecting the ring lug to
the match box and routing the wire around to the opposite side of the frame.
[ ] At the far end, connect the second wire to the opposite end of the insulator
using the end-hole. Don’t be concerned if the element wire sags. You'll adjust it
later after all of the wires are installed.
[ ] Install the 12-meter loop using the same procedure outlined above.
[ ] Install the 15-meter loop.
[ ] Install the 17-meter loop.
[ ] Install the 20-meter loop.
[ ] With all five element wires installed, reduce wire sag by relocating the rig lugs
(as needed) to other mounting holes in the insulators. Do not tension the wires so
tightly that they distort the spreaders or pull the frame out of square. The
objective is to equalize tension and minimize (but not eliminate) sag. Sight down
each support tube to ensure it is straight and 90-degree from the adjacent tubes.
Not Good
Sight down the length of the frame
to confirm that each leg is straight
[ ] Once satisfied with wire tensioning, tighten all spreader screws to secure
each wire in place. Also, tighten the element nuts on the matchbox, fanning out
the ring lugs as needed to ensure flat metal-to-metal contact between each
eyelet. Check all other hardware to confirm everything is secure.
Fan leads so lugs make
full surface-to-surface