Windsor High Efficiency
Wood Stove
Model WR244
Owner’s Manual
SafEty NOticE: if tHiS appliaNcE iS NOt pROpERly iNStallEd, OpERatEd aNd
MaiNtaiNEd, a HOuSE fiRE May RESult.
tO REducE tHE RiSk Of fiRE, fOllOW tHE iNStallatiON iNStRuctiONS. failuRE tO
fOllOW iNStRuctiONS May RESult iN pROpERty daMagE, bOdily iNjuRy OR EvEN
dEatH. cONtact lOcal buildiNg OfficialS abOut REStRictiONS aNd iNStallatiON
iNSpEctiON REquiREMENtS iN yOuR aREa.
This stove is listed by OMNI-Test Laboratories of Port-
land, Oregon to meet UL1482 for the US and ULC-627
for Canada
do Not discard this Manual: Retain for future use
6” flue required
30005124 3/10 Rev. 1
This manual describes the installation and operation of the Model WR244 non-catalytic wood heater. This
heater meets US Environmental Protection Agency’s emission limits for wood heaters. Under specific condi-
tions this heater has been shown to deliver heat at rates ranging from 10,600 to 26,100 BTU/hr.