CWC-GASOLINE / DIESEL Operator's Manual
storaGe & Maintenance
For storage and transportation purposes in subfreezing ambient
temperatures, it will be necessary to winterize this unit. This unit must be
protected to the lowest incurred temperature for the following reasons:
. If any part of the pumping system becomes frozen, excessive pressure may
build up in the unit which could cause the unit to burst resulting in possible
serious injury to the operator or bystanders.
2. The pumping system in this unit may be permanently damaged if frozen.
If you must store your unit in an area where the temperature may fall below
32°F, you can protect your unit by following the procedure outlined below.
. Gather the following items:
a. Two 5 gallon containers.
b. One gallon of antifreeze. (Mi-T-M recommends an environmentally
safe antifreeze.)
c. Water supply.
d. Three foot hose, 1/2-3/4 I.D. with a 3/4 inch male garden hose fitting.
2. Procedure:
a. Shut off the unit and water supply.
b. Relieve system pressure by pointing the trigger gun in a safe direction
and squeezing the trigger until water flow ceases to exit the nozzle.
c. Lock the trigger gun in an OFF position and remove the nozzle.
d. In one 5 gallon container, mix the antifreeze and water according to
manufacturer's recommendations for the temperature to which you are
Proper winterizing is based on the recommended manufacturer's
instructions listed on the "Protection Chart" shown on the back label
of most antifreeze containers.
e. Remove the water supply hose from the unit and attach the 3 foot hose
securely to the inlet connection. Submerge the opposite end into the
antifreeze solution.
f. Point the lance into the empty container and start the unit.
g. Trigger the gun until the antifreeze begins to exit the lance. Release
the trigger for 3 seconds; then, trigger the gun for 3 seconds. Continue
cycling the gun several times until all the antifreeze mixture is siphoned
from the container.
h. Detach the 3 foot hose from the unit and drain any excess antifreeze
back into a 5 gallon container.
i. Disconnect the hose/gun/lance assembly from the unit and drain any
excess antifreeze back into a 5 gallon container.
j. Store the hose, gun and lance with the unit in a safe area.
k. Store antifreeze solution for next use or dispose of according to state
EPA laws.
3. Optional procedure:
a. Shut off the unit and water supply.
b. Relieve system pressure by pointing the trigger gun in a safe direction
and squeezing the trigger until water flow ceases to exit the nozzle.
c. Disconnect and drain the hose, gun and lance.
d. Start the unit and allow it to run until all the water exits the unit. Once
the water has stopped flowing from the unit, turn the unit off.
When using this procedure, caution should be used as ice chips
can form from drops of water which could cause the unit to burst if
starting before completely thawed.
risK of unit burstinG.
do not store / oPerate unit in
a freeZinG enVironMent!