Propane Portable Heater Manual
WaRnIng: IMPRoPeR Use of ThIs heaTeR Can ResUlT In seRIoUs InjURY oR DeaTh fRoM
bURns, fIRe, eXPlosIon, eleCTRICal shoCK anD /oR CaRbon MonoXIDe PoIsonIng.
This heater is designed as a construction heater in accordance with ANSI Z83.7a/CSA 2.4a-2007.
Other standards govern the use of fuel gases and heating products for specific uses. Your local authority
can advise you about these. The primary purpose of construction heaters is to provide temporary heat-
ing of buildings under construction, alteration, or repair. Properly used, the heater provides safe econom-
ical heating. Products of combustion are vented into the area being heated.
WaRnIng: noT foR Use WITh DUCTWoRK.
WaRnIng: noT foR hoMe oR ReCReaTIonal vehICle Use. The hose asseMblY shall be
PRoTeCTeD fRoM TRaffIC, bUIlDIng MaTeRIal anD ConTaCT WITh hoT sURfaCes
boTh DURIng Use anD WhIle In sToRage.
IMPORTANT: Read this User's Manual carefully and completely before attempting to operate or service this
heater. Improper use of the heater can cause serious injury or death from fire, explosion and carbon monox-
ide poisoning.
Every possible circumstance that may involve a hazard cannot be anticipated. The warnings in this manual
and attached to the unit are therefore not all-inclusive. If a procedure, work method or operating technique
not specifically recommended by the manufacturer is used, you must be sure it is safe for you and others.
You should also insure that equipment will not be damaged or made unsafe by the operating or maintenance
TIONS ABOUT APPLICATIONS. This heater is designed and approved for use as a construction heater under
ANSI Z83.7.
Other standards govern the use of fuel gases and heat producing products in specific applications. Your lo-
cal authority can advise you of these.
You must provide the propane gas and cylinder(s). Use this heater only with a propane vapor withdrawal
supply system. Refer to Chapter 5 of the Standard for Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gas ,
ANSI/NFPA 58. Your local library or fire department will have this booklet.
IMPoRTanT safeTY InfoRMaTIon
. Children should be kept away.
2. Always maintain proper clearance from combustible materials.
3. Minimum clearance should be: Sides - 24” Top - 36” Front - 72”
4. Heater must be placed on level and solid footing.
5. Never place anything, including clothes or other flammable items on heater.
6. Do not modify heater, or operate a heater that has been modified.
7. Adequate clearance for accessibility, combustion and ventilation (air supply) must be maintained at all times
when heater is operating.
8. Service and repair should be performed by a qualified service person. The heater should be inspected
before each use, and at least annually by a qualified person. More frequent cleaning may be required as
necessary. Do not service heater while hot or operating.
9. Never connect heater to an unregulated gas supply.
10. Use only the electrical/power cord specified. Electrical and grounding connection must comply with National
Electrical Code - ANSI/NFPA 70 (USA) and CSA C22. Canadian Electrical Code, Part (Canada).
. To prevent injury, always wear gloves when handling heater. Never handle an operating or hot heater, as
severe burns may result.
2. Use heater in accordance with all local codes. In the absence of local codes, refer to The National Fuel
Code, ANSI Z223.
3. This heater is shipped from the factory for use with LP (propane) gas only. Do not convert to any other
gas. Installation must conform to local codes, or in their absence, with the standard for the Storage and
Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases ANSI/NFPA 58.
4. Use only the regulator and hose assembly provided with this heater. Inspect the regulator/hose assembly