Instruction Manual MIC type EC-912
Revision no.4
19 / 38
Press the CAL button on the AMCU (CAL ON indicator lights up) and adjust the offset
trimmer until the display reads 1.00 or the recorder output X is 10.0 VDC.
Press the CAL button again (CAL ON indicator extinguish) and adjust the Uc trimmer on
the AMCU until the display reads 0.00 or the recorder output X is 0.0 VDC.
Subject the MIC to the smoke exposure the density of which shall be measured.
Subject the MIC to aerosol-free air and repeat point e) and f) before the next smoke
density measurement. Also check the rate of air flow, point b).
For measuring procedure when using an Intelligent MIC Control Unit please refer to the separate
IMCU user manual.