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Rev 1.0
1). After you double click on the Recover Disk shortcut in start menu, the following
window will be pop up.
The “Recover Disk” action will erase all the data or files
existing in U-Storage. The action is not reversible. You have
to backup all the important files or data.
2). There are two steps in Recover Disk, one is scan bad block and the other is
“Read/Write” testing for each block. It will take a long time to scan each block. It will
take about 1.5 minutes for each 16 MB.
3). After you click the [Start] button in the window, the Recover process will be started.
4). Once the job is finished, the complete message will be shown in the middle area, or
else it will show error message.
Known Problems
Problem 1:
In Window2k or Window XP, when user use VIA USB 2.0 host controller
and run resize in U-Storage AP will cause OS reboot or resize function
In Windows XP
Update USB 2.0 driver from Microsoft Windows Update(usually
Windows XP will update automatically).
In Windows 2k
When your OS detect USB 2.0 host controller PCI card or onboard chip
at first time, OS will show new hardware detect and request to direct
driver location, please select Microsoft Windows Update to update from